The Department of Veterans Affairs offers a wide array of medical benefits. Each package is unique to individual veterans. Goals for the care of every veteran include:
- Treat illnesses and injuries
- Prevent future health problems
- Improve the veteran’s ability to function
- Enhance the veteran’s quality of life
Detailed information regarding these benefits can be found here.
Veterans can apply for benefits here.
Veterans can apply for benefits via mail by printing this form and mailing the completed application to the Health Eligibility Center.
Health Eligibility Center
2957 Clairmont Rd., Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30329
Factors including a veteran’s income level, disability rating, and military service history all help determine the VA’s decision regarding costs. Most veterans need to complete a financial assessment when they enroll to determine whether they qualify for free VA health care. The assessment can be found here.
Information about potential costs of care is available here.
Instructions for completing an application for VA benefits is available here.
Suicide Prevention
Support is available 24 hours each day, 365 days a year for all active military veterans and their families through the Veterans Crisis Line. The line is confidential and toll-free. The line is available by phone call, online chat, or text. The line connects veterans in crisis and their families with a qualified, caring VA responder.
Dial 1 (800) 273 8255 and press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255.