February 2021
Date | Title |
2/22/21 | Kennedy defends independence of infrastructure Permitting Council |
2/12/21 | Kennedy, Banking members urge SEC to block NASDAQ’s proposed diversity quota |
December 2020
September 2020
Date | Title |
9/29/20 | Kennedy announces $33.4 million for coronavirus response in Baton Rouge, New Orleans |
9/11/20 | Kennedy announces $27 million for coronavirus housing relief |
July 2020
Date | Title |
7/13/20 | Kennedy announces $1 million for Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services for coronavirus response |
June 2020
Date | Title |
6/8/20 | Kennedy introduces bill to lift arbitrary cap on oil revenue for Gulf states |
6/4/20 | Kennedy announces $18.3 million for Louisiana coronavirus response |
May 2020
Date | Title |
5/20/20 | Kennedy announces $8.5 million in HHS funding for coronavirus testing |