Press releases

WASHINGTON – The president signed the Grant Transparency Act, a bill that Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) cosponsored, into law. 

The Grant Transparency Act would require government agencies to give Americans who apply for competitive grant applications more information about the selection process. 

“Louisianians deserve to know how the government chooses competitive grant recipients. I’m glad to see the Grant Transparency Act become law so our people have more information about how their organizations can access this crucial funding,” said Kennedy.

Grant applicants often don’t have enough information to know why they are not awarded a competitive grant despite meeting the criteria. The Grant Transparency Act will require government agencies to shine a light on how they decide between applicants behind closed doors, and I’m glad to see it become law,” said Cornyn, who introduced the bill. 

The legislation would require a Notice of Funding Opportunities for competitive grants to include a description of selection criteria, a statement from the agency about whether it used a weighted scoring method for the competitive grant and any other approach the agency used to evaluate the applicants.

Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.), Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) also cosponsored the bill. 

The full bill text is available here