Kennedy announces $2 million to support bird habitats in southeast Louisiana and Vermilion Parish
Sep 23 2021
WASHINGTON – Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $2 million in funding from the Department of Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to support wetland conservation efforts and bird populations in southeast Louisiana and Vermilion Parish.
“I am pleased to see these resources flow into southeast Louisiana and Vermilion Parish to support bird habitats. Louisiana is an outdoorsman’s paradise, so it is important we prioritize conservation practices in our wetlands for the sake of our land, resources and economy,” said Kennedy.
FWS awarded $1 million to aid conservation education and practice, outdoor recreation and bird population in 4,885 acres in southeast Louisiana. The fowl species benefiting from this practice include black rail, brown pelican and bald eagle.
FWS also awarded $1 million for marsh enhancement in Vermilion Parish. This award will cover 5,211 acres for conservation and supporting the bird population.
These grants are congruent with the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. This program is the only program of its kind supported by federal funds. Awards will be matched by partners of the program.