Press releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate passed a Senate Farm Bill today that contains U.S. Sen. John Kennedy’s (R-La.) amendment to prevent the National Flood Insurance Program from expiring in the middle of hurricane season.  H.R.2, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Senate Farm Bill, extends the program for six months.  The Senate passed the Farm Bill on an 86-11 vote.

The bill also protects Louisiana sugar cane farmers by keeping tariff-rate quotas on imports and preventing foreign countries from flooding the market with their inferior product.  The American Sugar Cane League estimates that Louisiana sugar cane production employs 17,000 people and generates 13 million tons of cane a year.

“I’m grateful that the Senate included my amendment, ensuring that the National Flood Insurance Program will continue to protect families during hurricane season.  We can’t abandon Louisiana families who faithfully pay their premiums every year,” said Sen. Kennedy.  “I also cannot emphasize enough how much this bill does for our sugar cane farmers.  Generations of families have farmed sugar cane in Louisiana.  That is a legacy we need to protect from foreign producers trying to flood the market.”

Other highlights included in the Farm Bill for Louisiana:

  • Allows the U.S. Department of Agriculture to fund projects that will deploy high-speed broadband in rural America, including Louisiana.
  • Continues to fund programs that help cotton farmers and textile manufacturers.
  • Reauthorizes the Grassroots Source Water Protection Program, which promotes clean source water in rural communities.  The plans identify voluntary actions that farmers and ranchers can do to prevent source water pollution.
