WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) today announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will invest $83.5 million in federal funding towards ongoing recovery efforts across Louisiana.
“This money is crucial to disaster recovery efforts in Louisiana,” said Sen. Kennedy. “FEMA is providing funding to homeowners, schools, a food bank, parishes, cities and law enforcement, among others. This is money that is needed to recover and rebuild.”
According to FEMA, the grants are:
Recovery School District-$49M
- This award provides $49,077,383.61 in federal funding for the Recovery School District for an adjustment of the scope of work and project costs.
Governor’s Office Homeland Security & Emergency Management-$23.9M
- This award provides an additional $23,994,873.93 in federal funding for homeowners.
Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank-$1M
- This award provides $1,032,101.20 in federal funding to the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank for their distribution facility.
East Baton Rouge Parish School Board-$5.8M
- This award will provide $2,930,976.66 in federal funding to East Baton Rouge School Board (EBRSB) for Emergency Protective Measures.
- The award provides $1,698,012.21 in funding to the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board, to provide funding associated with remediation activities at Brookstown Magnet Middle School.
- The award provides $1,211,377.76 in funding to the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board, to provide funding associated with remediation activities at Glen Oaks Park Elementary School.
Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) Statewide Generator Project-$1.9M
- This grant will fund generators for critical facilities and key state-owned facilities throughout the State of Louisiana.
- Funding will be utilized to harden facilities with the installation of permanent generators, portable generators and automatic transfer switches to remain operational and functional during and after disasters.
- This request includes the following parishes and cities: St. Tammany, Jefferson, St. Charles and Lincoln parishes and cities of New Orleans and Thibodaux.
LA Dept. Of Public Safety (State Police)-$1.6M
- This award provides $1,667,951.83 in federal funding to the Louisiana Department of Public Safety (State Police) for Emergency Protective Measures.