Press releases

WASHINGTON — Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) released the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s third State of the Union address.

 “Under President Trump, America has done the hard work of charting a path to remarkable strength and success. I’m firmly in favor of freedom, prosperity and building a better tomorrow for America’s kids. This evening’s address showed the president’s commitment to moving all these priorities forward.

“America is respected around the world again because the president is restoring a strong, decisive national defense. Peace often comes through strength, and America’s enemies know that they don’t get to write the rules any longer. At the same time, American workers are seeing higher wages and more job opportunities because the government is finally moving out of their way. The president is looking for ways to make quality health care affordable as Democrats’ plans for socialized medicine continue to fail hardworking Americans and the people they love.

“In short, Americans have reason to be optimistic. We have reason to be confident. And Congress has every reason to renew our efforts on behalf of workers, families and kids in Louisiana and throughout our country.”